Lent Retreat - Journeying to Jerusalem: Friday 4 - Sunday 6 April 2025 at the House of Prayer, East Molesey, Surrey
Join us for a time of silence and stillness as we journey through Lent and ponder the height and depth of God’s personal love for us. There will be times of guided reflections and space for personal and community prayer with poetry, music and Scripture.
For further information and to book see https://www.christian-retreat.org/our-programme/lent-retreat-journeying-to-jerusalem
Carmelite Spirituality: Saturday 14 June 2024 at the Cockfosters Centre for Spirituality, London N14 4HE
St Teresa of Avila described prayer as nothing else than an intimate sharing between friends, taking time to be alone with Him who we know loves us. Her close collaborator in the 16th Century Carmelite reform, St John of the Cross, taught that if anyone is seeking God, the Beloved is seeking that person much more.
The Carmelites have much to teach us about our beauty and value in the eyes of God and how prayer is our natural response to the God who is constantly seeking us, ‘pouring out a thousand graces’ to quote John once more.
Join us as we explore the riches of Carmelite Spirituality which, rooted in silence, yet has enduring relevance in an often busy and noisy world.
For further information and to book see https://cockfosterscs.org/2025-programme/
Seeing with the Eyes of the Heart: Contemplative Photography retreat on the Isle of Iona, 15-19 September 2025
Join us on the beautiful island of Iona for a time of contemplative practice as we learn to see with the eyes of the heart. We will use our cameras (a camera phone is fine) to ‘take a long, loving look at the real’ as one definition of contemplation describes it. It will be a time of slowing down and learning to pause and gaze with compassion and tenderness on what we behold. In the process we will connect with ourselves, with one another and with God who speaks to us at the level of the heart.
We will also learn how to pray with our images in the practice of Visio Divina.
No photographic skill is required, just a heart open to God at work all around and within us.
To book please contact: Jane Kindlen Tel: 01681 700369 or email: mail@catholic-iona.com www.catholic-iona.com/
'An Intimate Sharing Between Friends' - a Retreat Day with St Teresa of Avila: Saturday 29 November 2025 at the House of Prayer, East Molesey, Surrey
Guided by this great Doctor of the Church, we will learn how it is ‘important not to think much but to love much’ and to entrust everything to the One whom we knows dwells within us and delights in us. We will learn that prayer is not complicated but an exercise in love and friendship, embracing both the contemplative and apostolic dimensions of life.
For further information and to book see https://www.christian-retreat.org/our-programme/an-intimate-sharing-between-friends