Lectio Divina / Sacred Reading
'When your words came I devoured them, for your words were my delight and the joy of my heart' (Jeremiah 1516)
The prophet Jeremiah beautifully encapsulates the heart of Lectio Divina, sacred reading of Scripture, wherein we devour the Word of God, finding in it our delight and joy.
As the psalmist writes, 'Your words are sweeter to my taste than honey in the mouth' (Ps 118(119):103).
When we pray this way, we read Scripture slowly - chewing on the words, reading, repeating, savouring.
We pause when a word or phrase touches our heart, and we linger.
We let the Word echo within us, treasuring it and pondering it in our heart (as did Mary, see Luke 2:19).
We may be moved to praise God, or thank God, or petition God for our needs.
We may ultimately be moved to silence, to rest in the Word.